art center nabi


Ambient Music Creation Tool: Wotja Workshop

Introducing Wotja, the tool that makes algorithmic music easy!

This workshop guides you through the process of creating MIDI signals with the algorithmic music engine Wotja and completing them into your own music. Wotja is an algorithmic-based music generation engine specialized in creating ambient and meditation music, allowing you to craft unique musical experiences by combining specific notes, rhythms, instruments, and sound effects.

Even those without a basic understanding of music will find it easy to follow, as this workshop covers the foundational theory of music and sound design required for algorithmic music generation. Additionally, by incorporating the professional music production DAW Ableton Live, we'll explore the potential for more advanced work.


Wotja Homepage

Using Wotja


에디터로 등록된 이미지

Ableton Live

Ableton Live Youtube Channel



Workshop Overview

  • - Schedule: May 22 - June 12, 2024, every Wednesday, 18:30 - 21:30 (3 hours per session, 4 sessions total)

- Participants: Approximately 15 people

  • - Location: Art Center Nabi Tazak Madang (57 Dongho-ro 20-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul) / Parking is not available.



This workshop covers the most basic music theory needed for generative music production, ensuring that even participants without a musical background can learn with ease. The goal of the workshop is to create music based on rules designed by participants and share it with the community.

Instructor: Hyunuk Ryu
A researcher and community builder focused on music as a process of action and interaction
He pays close attention to how contemporary music arises from "sonic phenomena" and strives to establish new methods and environments for music creation. He founded the creative firm Contemporary Music Society, aimed at fostering emergent exchanges of musical avant-garde across genres. He is particularly interested in ancient cases where music played a pivotal role in shaping societal values and community consciousness. He is engaged in research activities and community experiments to revive this dimension of music in the modern era.



*Phone inquiries are not accepted. If you have any questions, please contact us via the email above.